On Sunday, my baby, Slader, turned 2. I quite honestly don't know how that happened.
My nostalgic, emotional mind spent all day recounting, hour by hour, what was happening 2 years ago. You know..." This time 2 years ago we were heading to the hospital." & "this time 2 years ago he was 2 hours old."
He is a VERY determined, independent little being. He does not like to be directed or forced to do anything. I think that a huge part of that is that he has 3 big brothers that he is hell-bent on keeping up with.
All of my boys have been really great sleepers, but this guy is amazing. When we were trying to put him to bed around 11:00pm, he started wanting to go to bed earlier. Now he starts to melt down around 8:30 is usually in bed around 9:30 & generally sleeps 'til 10:30 or 11:00+ in the morning. I am now able to put him in his bed wide awake & he falls asleep on his own.
Anyway.....We sure do love this little monster.